There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
What nourishes me also destroys me.
I always play women I would date.
Oh, God, I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does.
I have so much wrong with me, it’s unbelievable!
Nurse of the New World Order & Her Friends
Oh, God, I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does.
I have so much wrong with me, it’s unbelievable!
Angelina Jolie has more body parts removed ‘just in case’ after ..
Protocol XV 15 talks about Ruthless Suppression
One-day coup d’etat (revolution) over all the world.
Executions. Future lot of goyim-masons. Mysticism of
authority. Multiplication of masonic lodges. Central
governing board of masonic elders. The “Azev-tactics.”
Masonry as leader and guide of all secret societies.
Significance of public applause. Collectivism. Victims.
Executions of masons. Fall of the prestige of laws and
authority. Our position as the Chosen people. Brevity and
clarity of the laws of the kingdom of the future. Obedience
to orders. Measures against abuse of authority. Severity of
penalties. Age-limit for judges. Liberalism of judges and
authorities. The money of all the world. Absolutism of
masonry. Right of appeal. Patriarchal “outside appearance”
of the power of the future “ruler.” Apotheosis of the ruler.
The right of the strong as the one and only right. The King
of Israel. Patriarch of all the world.
David de Rothschild – Jesus?
The Zionist naturopath doctor….hero gene on magazine cover…SOS 2007 777 concert
Yes, he saved the coastal cities from flooding with his 777 Global warming handbook:
YES the Vatican is sure this time…THIS MAN IS JESUS
Ruthless suppression of AREA 51 medicine…
so David DR can magically heal the Israelis.
Isaiah 33:24 And no resident of Zion will say, “I am sick.”
Kubrick put the antichrist in check first, 1999, 6661 upside down
then nelly & joe (jelly) reality star name, but not better than TOMKAT!!!
Lara Croft’s father writes in a note to her: The world will be in great danger, with a secret society known as the Illuminati, devious dangerous men who seek to fulfil an ancient prophesy….” [00:32:30].
Nixon’s horror show makes me bolestan….like i’m going to povratit
the ludavico treatement