5 Replies to “Bianca Trump”

  1. Play your trump card definition: to do something unexpected which gives you a definite advantage over other people

    If she wished, she could threaten to play her trump card, publishing an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.

  2. Learn to speak Italian – advanced Italian love phrases
    English Italian

    She / he loves me, she / he loves me not M’ama, non m’ama
    I’d like to kiss you by the light of the moon Voglio baciarti al chiaro di luna
    You are more beautiful than an angel Sei più bella di un angelo
    We’re made for each other Siamo fatti l’uno all’altra

  3. Strengths & Weaknesses

    Originally from Baybridge Brooklyn, Bianca Trump got started in the world of adult entertainment as an exotic dancer shortly after her eighteenth birthday. She got her first chance to showcase her onscreen talents when during an interview with Jim South another actress failed to show up to the set. Bianca ended up convincing him to send her over to do the film. That was the beginning her porn career. She appeared in more than 250 adult movies and around 50 men’s publications, such as Penthouse.

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