Nelly Furtado: Nude Fakes

nf’s teenage dream of 1993

Plot – Someone is trying to kill the famous rockstar Rachel Marron and the ex-CIA agent Frank Farmer looks after her. At the beginning Rachel can’t stand Farmer. Meanwhile, the mad man who sends anonymous letters to Rachel tries to reach her, but Frank stops him. The most dangerous moment is at the Oscars: Rachel will be on stage, Frank will be backstage with the headset on. Even the mad man will be around. The film is all based on Kevin’s sideways smiles and Whitney’s radiant voice. The rest is negligible, including the bucolic frame, a real trick to lengthen the movie. Perhaps the film was successful just because of the hit “I’ll Always Love You” – but it’s necessary to wait two hours and ten minutes to listen to it for the first time.

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4 Replies to “Nelly Furtado: Nude Fakes”

  1. Frances Farmer & America’s Psychiatric Gulag
    February 7, 2013

    A famous actress, Frances Farmer (1913-1970) was lobotomized by Hollywood Jews because she wouldn’t join their Communist plot, according to the late Eustace Mullins. Her tragic fate suggests that psychiatry plays an important role in the Illuminati Jewish plan for world tyranny.

    The incarceration of dissidents in mental hospitals was common in the USSR. Everyone should read this horrifying, little known story of an American patriot and martyr.
    39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. 45 Goals of Communism

    by Eustace Mullins (Oct 5, 1997)
    (Edited/abridged by

    Shortly after the Crash of 1929, when many gentiles had been impoverished by Jewish money manipulation, the psychiatrists began to show their hands as the new masters.

    In May, 1930, an International Congress on Mental Hygiene was held in Washington, D.C. Four thousand psychiatrists from 53 countries were welcomed by the President of the United States, Herbert Hoover. The new masters drafted a charter stating that they alone had the knowledge to “understand and control human behavior… Psychiatry must now decide what is to be the immediate future of the human race.”

    The new pronouncement also boasted that “Psychiatrists alone possess the superior intelligence and knowledge to alter materially and permanently human behaviors.” Many of the bureaucrats got the message, and promptly signed up for lengthy series of “analysis”.

    Soon afterwards, a number of Communist cells were established in the government bureaus, chief among them the Harold Ware cell. Ware was merely the office boy for Felix Frankfurter, left, who masterminded this Communist group, placing Communist agents high in the official levels of every government department in Washington.

    One of the principal speakers at the Washington Congress of Psychiatrists was Dr. Donald A. Nicholson, a psychiatrist from Seattle who was the president of the Washington State Medical Assn. He committed thousands of Americans to mental hospitals, all of them on his unsupported testimony that they were “insane”. Few of them ever saw freedom again.


    His most famous victim was the great Hollywood actress Frances Farmer.

    Frances who? A curtain of silence has been rung down on one of America’s greatest talents. When she flashed across the Hollywood screen, she became known as “the American Garbo”. Today her movies are never shown on television or in the theatres. Those Hollywood figures who knew her refuse to mention her name. They are terrified that they, too, might have to endure the sufferings visited on her. What happened to Frances Farmer? A reporter spent five years investigating her story, which he recently published, Shadowland [by William Arnold, 1978)

    As a beautiful young woman in Seattle, Washington, Frances Farmer, was known as a brilliant, outspoken person. She won a newspaper essay contest for a free trip to Russia. Despite warnings from her mother and her friends, she insisted on taking the trip. When she returned [in 1935], the reporters tried to get her either to praise or condemn the Communist experiment, but she replied, quite honestly, that in such a brief trip she had not seen enough to make a decision.

    The Communists decided that this meant she was really sympathetic; but did not want to declare herself. Soon afterwards, she was “discovered” by talent scouts, and went to Hollywood. Her radiant beauty proved to be very photogenic, and her movies were an immediate sensation. Because of her famous trip to Russia, she was supposed to be a rabid Communist sympathizer, although she had said or done nothing to support such a theory.

    The large community of Jewish Communists in Hollywood, who completely controlled the making and distribution of movies, entertained her and raved about her beauty. She was then asked to become a Communist courier. She indignantly refused, being an extremely proud and intelligent White girl who had no interest in Communism. The Hollywood Jews were infuriated and frightened by Frances Farmer’s refusal. They had supposed she was one of them, and had taken her into their confidence.

    Now she knew the identity of every prominent Communist in Hollywood. At a secret conference, they resolved that she must be disposed of. An “accident” to such prominent star would be too risky. The [Illuminati] Jews decided that “psychoanalysis” was the answer to their dilemma. She would be railroaded to an insane asylum. Any accusations she might make would then be ignored.

    At the very height of her fame, while everyone was predicting she would win an Academy Award, Frances Farmer was invited to a party at the home of a Jewish producer. She was given a drug during this party.

    When she drove away, she was soon stopped by a policeman, who claimed she had committed a minor traffic violation. Instead of giving her a ticket, he immediately took her before a judge, although it was late at night. The judge claimed that she was “confused”, and in what could only have been a prearranged plan, he committed her to a mental asylum. Reporters made a complete reversal of their usual practice when a movie star gets into trouble. Instead of headlining Frances Farmer’s predicament, they were told not to
    write about it! From that day on, her name was rarely mentioned in the press.


    For six years, [beginning in 1942] Frances Farmer was forced to endure horrors which, even without the drugs and shock Treatments which she was given on a daily basis, would have destroyed anyone’s mind. After a few days in a California mental hospital, she was transferred to a state mental hospital, Steilacoom, near Seattle, Washington, ostensibly so that her mother could visit her, but actually to remove her from any contact with anyone in Hollywood.

    Many years later, a reporter, William Arnold, spent five years tracing the record of Frances Farmer during her years in Steilacoom. He discovered that the orderlies at Steilacoom were mostly convict trusties from McNeill Island Penitentiary on the other side of Puget Sound. He also discovered that Steilacoom was known as “the brothel of Ft. Lewis”.

    Each evening, drunken soldiers from Ft. Lewis paid the convicts five dollars each and were admitted to certain wards. Here the convicts held down the women chosen by the soldiers, who then took their will. Arnold found inmates who could recall seeing Frances Farmer, easily the most beautiful and desirable of the inmates, being held down by the convicts while she was being gang-raped by the drunken soldiers. No one ever claimed that such horrors went on in the German concentration camps as were nightly enacted at Steilacoom.

    To nullify any complaints from Frances Farmer, the orderlies regularly gave her bad reports, claiming that he was “uncooperative”. Since she was being forcibly held down during these outrages, her cooperation her lack of it does not seem to have presented any problem, but the Jewish doctors were eager to get this diagnosis. The entry of “uncooperative” by the name of any patient in a mental institution means that any and every possible form of drugs, “treatment” and other punishment is necessary.

    Frances Farmer was given massive doses of electric shock treatment every week. She was forced to endure medieval form of hydrotherapy by which she was thrown into a tub of ice water for periods of six to eight hours. During the agony of these ordeals, she chewed her lips to pieces.

    After four months of “treatment”, her spirit had been broken. She appeared before the psychiatrists and agreed to “cooperate”. A careful Dr. Nicholson
    immediately held a press conference to display his latest triumph. In a typical example of Communist self criticism” and “confession”, Frances Farmer gave her performance. “I was rude and disrespectful,” she told the reporters. “I was very, very sick.”

    “I think this case demonstrates how successfully antisocial behavior can be modified,” stated Dr. Nicholson.

    “Three months ago, this woman was mentally unresponsive, and today she is being returned to her family completely cured. This marks a significant victory for the mental hygiene movement in Washington.”

    Because of her fame as a movie star, Frances Farmer was chosen to be publicly exhibited as an example of the triumph of Freudian theories.


    The power of the psychiatrists had mushroomed during the war, as psychiatrists were stationed with each unit, just as Communists commissars were placed in each combat unit of the Red Army to identify and arrest any dissenters. As the sole victors of World War II, the [Communist] Jews rapidly extended the influence of psychotherapy over every aspect of American life.

    In 1946, Harry Truman signed the National Mental Health Act, which brought “mental health” organizations into almost very community in America. These organizations quickly became local outposts of the State of Israel, seeking out and punishing those Americans who were afflicted with “the running sores of anti-Semitism”, as the Jewish Gestapo group, the Anti-Defamation League, characterized anyone who criticized the subversion of the American government by the State of Israel.

    No sooner had Dr. Nicholson released Frances Farmer than he received anxious messages. The news that their victim was no longer imprisoned terrified the Hollywood Communists. Dr. Nicholson was instructed to seize her and return her to Steilacoom. Her freedom had lasted less than two weeks. She was now to endure six years of concentrated treatment intended for only one purpose: To destroy her mind so that she would never be able to identify the Hollywood Communists. She was immediately put back on
    the weekly schedule of shock treatments.

    Besides enduring the weekly shock treatments, Frances Farmer, who had been consigned back to Steilacoom at a court hearing at which she was not even present, now became the victim of a new operation, the CIA
    LSD experiments. For more than a year, Frances Farmer received daily doses of LSD, as well as the weekly shock treatments.


    Despite this cruel regimen, her tormentors were dismayed to find that her brain had not been destroyed. There remained one final horror for her, a treatment which was guaranteed to destroy the brain of anyone. This was prefrontal lobotomy, which in every case had totally destroyed the rational capacity of its victims. A Portuguese doctor, Edgar Muniz, developed this technique for “curing mental illness” in 1935. For this contribution to human well-being, he received the Nobel Prize in 1949.

    Hundreds of thousands of lobotomies were performed in Europe and the United States. Dr. Walter Freeman, head of The Dept. of Neurology at Georgetown University, became an enthusiastic advocate of prefrontal lobotomy after studying with Muniz. He refined Muniz’ technique by inserting an ice-pick type of instrument under the eyelid into the brain, and severing the nerve from the cortex to the thalamus which directed rational thought.

    This turned the human victim into a vegetable. Presto! No more anger, no more protest. Instead, there was meek compliance with any order. Deciding it might be more prudent to practice his technique away from Washington, Dr. Freeman went to Spencer State Hospital at Spencer, W. Va. The
    Jewish doctors at this institution lined up thirty-five women patients, and in a brilliant display of virtuosity, he lobotomized them one after the other.

    Learning of this triumph, the CIA asked him to go to Steilacoom to lobotomize Frances Farmer. As a cover, he first lobotomized twelve other women patients. Frances Farmer was then brought in, and told that the doctor wished to examine her. To attendants seized her by the arms, and Dr. Freeman, left, quickly inserted the ice pick into her brain. Two seconds later, Frances Farmer had become a human vegetable, her memory destroyed and her brain barely functioning, she was no longer a threat to the Hollywood
    Communist conspirators.

    A few months later, satisfied that her memory was gone, the CIA authorized Dr. Nicholson to release Frances Farmer. Her years of horror were over. On March 23, 1950, she left Steilacoom. She was only thirty-six years old.

    Despite her ordeal, some traces of her former beauty remained, but when she tried to resume her acting career, she found she could not remember lines or follow directions. She died alone and in poverty in Indianapolis a few years later. Yet, even today, those who ordered her torture and destruction still fear the mention of her name. Not only does the blackout of her films remain in effect, but William Arnold found no one in Hollywood willing to be quoted about her fate.

    We know the fate of Frank Olson and Frances Farmer only because those dedicated to their memories spent years fighting to uncover their tragic stories. We do not know the fate of many thousands of other victims of the Jewish pseudo-science of psychotherapy, because no one mourns them or remembers their names. They, too, were done to death by drug overdoses, shock treatments, or the Freeman ice-pick treatment. We must act at once to save thousands of other potential victims from the Jewish terrorists. We
    must outlaw electric shock treatments as humane nations have done; we must outlaw the practice of pseudo-therapy such as psychoanalysis, ice-pick in the brain, and indiscriminate use of LSD and other drugs in the mental institutions.

    Unless we act quickly, thousands more will die, the victims of Jewish sadism and Freud’s poisonous legacy. This [Cabalist] Jew converted the shameless charlatanism of a few eighteenth-century necromancers into a worldwide system for “treating the mentally ill”, solely because of his anti-gentilism and his hatred of Christ. Freud gave the [Cabalist] Jews their most powerful weapon against us. We must stop them now.

    Thanks to DC Dave for alerting me to this magnificent essay by the late Eustace Mullins, “Sigmund Freud: AntiChrist Devil”
    Jeffrey Kaufman finds discrepancies in Mullins-Arnold Account

  2. she’s still alve and not part o fhe 27 club….so u did succeed Cosnter

    Best-selling pop diva Rachel Marron (Whitney Houston) has a stalker whose obsession has risen to the level of disturbing threats. At the urging of her manager (Gary Kemp), Rachel hires former secret service agent Frank Farmer (Kevin Costner) as her bodyguard. Initially resented and treated with disdain for his hard-nosed security procedures, Farmer soon becomes an integral part of Rachel’s inner circle. As they spend more time together, client and protector become closer still.

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